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Cover Global Strategic Management

Jędrzej George Frynas and Kamel Mellahi

Global Strategic Management is made up of five parts. The first part introduces the topic. The second part looks at global strategic analysis and includes examinations of the external macro environment, the industry environment, and the internal environment. Part III is about global strategic development and looks at various levels such as the subsidiary-level and headquarters-level in terms of strategy. Part IV is concerned with global strategic implementation. The last part, Part V, concentrates on global strategic innovation and includes an examination of the global management of innovation and knowledge and corporate social responsibility and innovation.


Cover Understanding Strategic Management
Understanding Strategic Management conveys the realities of strategic management through looking through international and contemporary lenses. Chapters contain examples from popular media to show strategic management issues at work in the headlines we read every day. The text as a whole ties together multiple strategic challenges that affect businesses large and small, public and private. The text is made up of four parts. The first part looks at what strategy is. The second part covers strategic analysis. The third part looks into the formulation of strategy. The final part is about implementation of strategy.