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Cover Exploring Leadership

Richard Bolden, Jonathan Gosling, and Beverley Hawkins

Exploring Leadership aims to support the personal and professional development of both aspiring and experienced leaders. Investigating the complex dynamics of power, identity, and purpose in organizations and wider society, it critically examines significant global issues such as diversity and inclusion, the environmental crisis, and the recent Covid-19 pandemic to reveal the systemic nature of leadership in a complex and ever-changing world. Examples and case studies include: ancestral leadership in Maori communities; consideration of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as a transformational leader; and leadership paradoxes in the Singaporean Civil Service. The book is made up of five parts. The first part is concerned with framing leadership and the leader. The second part looks at leadership traits, styles, and the dynamics of leadership. The next part is about leadership within the organization. The fourth part is about ethics and alternatives to leaderships. The final part looks at emerging perspectives and enduring dilemmas. The final question is, where next for leadership theory and practice?


Cover Leadership
Leadership contains two main parts. Part 1 presents the basic framework. It starts with an introduction and moves on to look at trait theory and other behavioural models. It considers the style approach to leadership, situational and contingent leadership, charisma and transformational leadership, and authentic leadership. The second part looks at related themes. Chapters here consider psychodynamic approaches to leadership, emotional intelligence, ethical leadership, and diversity and leadership. Other topics covered include power, influence, authority, teams, change, development, and strategy.


Cover Leadership

Marian Iszatt-White and Christopher Saunders

Leadership brings together the core themes and debates within the field and provides a critical analysis of leadership. Part 1 presents the basic frameworks and explores what we mean by leadership, how it compares to management, and why we study it. Part 2 presents essentialist approaches in chapters on early approaches to understanding leadership, transformational and charismatic leadership, leading teams and leading change, and authentic leadership. Part 3 presents relational approaches which include an understanding of leadership in which everyone is a leader, leadership as a social construction, leadership-as-practice, responsible leadership, and followership. The final part looks at how to develop as a leader and craft leadership practice and identity.